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Roast stuffed with mushrooms
By Amministratore (on 6/18/2009 @ 07:38:29, in main course, read 3150 times)

Roast stuffed with mushrooms

Difficultyeasy Servers6 persone time60 minutes

1 kg veal nut cut into wings – 300 grams mushrooms – glass milk – measure brandy – 2 cloves of garlic – 50 gms butter – sprig sage and rosemary – salt and pepper.

Convert european unity of measure

  1. Chop the herbs and mix into the butter. Leave in the fridge for 30 mins.

     Chop the herbs and mix into the butter

  2. Rub a clove of garlic over the meat.
  3. Spread the meat with the butter, sprinkle with salt and pepper and leave to rest in fridge for 30 mins.

     Spread the meat with the butter

  4. Lightly fry the second garlic clove in a frying pan and add mushrooms, as soon as they soften pour in the milk.

     add mushrooms

    Cook until the juices thicken, adding salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Take the meat from the fridge and stuff with the just cooked mushrooms.

     stuff with the just cooked mushrooms

  6. Fold the meat, enclosing the mushrooms to prevent them falling out and close with some toothpicks.

     Fold the meat with some toothpicks

  7. Place the meat in a flame proof dish with plenty of olive oil and brown it lightly on the hob. Pour over the brandy and sear for a moment or two.
  8. Place in the oven and roast for 30 mins at 220°C/425°F/Gas mark 7

N.B.:Don’t forget about the toothpicks!